I stand with the LGBTQIA+ community, I believe Black Lives Matter, and I am anti-ableism.

I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 28 after being misdiagnosed with depression for my entire life, and later, misdiagnosed as bipolar.

I received a Bachelors in Science at The University of Georgia in 2016 and graduated summa cum laude. At UGA, I worked in a genetics research lab for five years studying epigenetics in plants, so I am very familiar with the challenges graduate students, undergraduate students, and research professionals face in STEM fields.

I have over 850 hours of experience of one-on-one coaching with ADHD clients and I am certified by the Ethical Coaching Collective as an Integrative Life Coach.

In my free time, I enjoy reading fiction and practicing agility with my border collie Melody. I love to go hiking and camping—the mountains always feel like home.



  • J.E. Petros

    I started to realize that a lot of these accounts I followed had an unhealthy focus on what ADHD takes away from us and not what it gives to us as people who have neurodivergence.

    Your account was one of the only ones that I felt did that, in a way that was well-informed, informational, easily-digestible, and also had a level of compassion and empathy—A feeling that I'm coming to you alongside you. It wasn’t just a flood of information about ADHD.

    Your content felt so much more relatable to my everyday life. You didn’t give the feeling that I should aspire to be like you, or give me another reason to doubt myself or judge myself. I felt most comfortable with you and I wanted to work with you.

    And working with you, I’ve learned to not only understand what following my dopamine was, but also appreciate and trust it.

    I would follow my dopamine before, but I would be filled with this immediate level of guilt afterwards. "Ah well, I had to get my 'ADHD fix'." It's not about that. My ADHD is who I am. My dopamine is ME. it's dop-a-ME-ne, if you want to get punny with it. The longer I avoid that, the longer I avoid myself, the harder it is to be me—which is what I've been trying to do my whole life.

    I’ve been asking everyone else's permission to be myself, and the only person's permission I really needed was my own—by following my dopamine, trusting it, not judging it. Appreciating it for what it is and where it took me. That's been my favorite part about this work with you.

    The biggest transformation that I’ve gotten from working with you is understanding that my ADHD is not something to be fixed, or replaced, or repaired. It's not a broken part on an engine. It's a relationship to be enhanced, a relationship to be invested in.

    The neurodivergence of my brain is a relationship, not a piece of a puzzle. It is not an inanimate object, it's very animate and animated and very part of who I am. And because it's a part of who I am, it has needs just like every other part of me has needs. Understanding those needs is key to making sure that we all function together well.

  • V. K.

    When I found Tina online, I thought I may have ADHD but I wasn’t diagnosed with it. What I did know for sure was that I had a problem that needed attention. After seeing her for about a year, my need to feel “fixed” has been gradually replaced with tools and mindsets to approach getting things done in a completely subjective way—subjective to me.

    There are two aspects of Tina’s coaching that make her sessions truly empowering. One is that her practice is grounded in the knowledge that the only expert on me is me. The other is her sincere intention to see me flourish. Meeting with her has increased my awareness of my own “user manual” so that I can be more effective and operate joyfully.

    After a year of Coaching, I don’t feel the need to identify as ADHD or otherwise, because I’m so much more interested in understanding myself. I would honestly recommend anyone who wants to improve their executive function to check Tina out. We have been exposed to so many messages in society around productivity and performance that lead us to learning the wrong life lessons. Tina puts the focus back on you with her open-minded approach and high levels of empathy. In undoing old social conditioning, I feel more in tune with my true self and feel freer to take the direction I want to take in life.

  • Revy de Triste

    I found Tina on TikTok at a really low point in my life. After just self-diagnosing ADHD, I was frustrated with how ineffective I was at getting things done, handling relationships, coping effectively with hardships, all those other things - I’m sure you can relate! With Tina’s support, validation, mentorship, and encouragement to make consistent effort, I not only reorganized my life, got a job that I feel comfortable and confident at, and started advocating for my needs and boundaries, I got my headspace right to be able to love and accept myself the way I am, neurodivergence and all. Tina literally changed my life in amazing ways in an affirming and gracious way. I am truly grateful for all she has done for and with me!

  • Laurie Pierdon

    Tina has helped me so much in a very short time! I have had issues with my self-esteem for my whole life. The negative voices in my head were telling me that I was not good enough, not smart enough, not kind enough, etc etc… Tina has helped me work through these negative thoughts. Her guidance has helped make a remarkable change in my whole attitude and feelings about myself. I have only worked with her for four sessions; however, I feel a wave of change has come over me in a short period of time. Tina has helped me focus on my strengths. I am now able to calm those negative thoughts when they pop up. I’ve learned to replace the downward spiraling thoughts with positive statements that I know are true about myself.

    Consequently, my attitude about life has improved, my whole spirit has improved, and I feel so good in my soul. I am forever grateful that I chose Tina to help me out. She is an excellent listener with a kind, loving heart who has offered functional steps to reach my goals.

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For more, check out my Instagram page highlight called “Client Wins



  • Personal

    Our sessions will be dedicated to your goals. I’ll ask deep, insightful questions about your specific situation and use empathy, validation, and storytelling to promote awareness and understanding of your own experiences. This is your journey.


    This is a safe space for sphagetti brains. Having ADHD means that our brains are wired for patterns and connections, and that means that it’s normal for our coaching sessions to explore a wide array of topics. As disparate as they may seem, beautifully enough, there are always threads tying them together. This technique allows us to make new realizations and reach new levels of understanding that we wouldn’t if we stayed locked into one topic.


    In a coaching relationship, I am here to walk with you. I often will act as a sounding board for your own values, beliefs, dreams, and goals. You are the sole expert in your own life and so you will take the lead, and I’ll be there to support you and guide you. Together we’ll work to design and implement strategies that work for your ADHD, so that you can walk away from coaching with the tools you need to tackle your biggest challenges.